Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Dude, Let's Play!

     When I go over to a friend's house, or someone comes over to mine, one of the main things we do is play video games.  Grab a controller, and play!  It's fun, but have you ever wondered how dirty that controller is that you are holding in your hand?
     When we play video games, often we are so drawn into the game, we don't quite realize what we do when we are playing.  For example, we touch our face, sneeze, cough, blow our noses, touch objects, and sweat.  Very often, gamers don't wash their hands before or after playing...and I don't quite recall a time when I
heard someone say, "dude, I need to wash my controller!"  Playing and grabbing the controllers, we don't realize just how much can be living and growing on a gaming controller.
     "The hand-held controllers contain on average 7,863 germs per 100 square centimeter - that's five times more than a toilet seat..."  Think about that.  Something gamers commonly do, is eat while they game.  A favorite food of gamers everywhere is pizza - which you eat with yours hands.  Touching the controller then eating the pizza means that you are exposing your hands to a dirty surface and eating whatever may be transferred.
     Maybe when we decide to play our video games, we will remember to clean our controllers first, not eat when we game, and try to limit the mindless movements we make while playing, such as touching our faces.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe that video game controllers can be a threat to my immune system and overall health! This comes as a shock to me and is not welcomed news. I'm an xbox addict so reading this article was really helpful because this is good information to have. I'm wondering what kinds of viruses are on my controllers at home? Can they range from common to uncommon? The last thing I want to do is get sick from just staying inside?? This article inspired me to stop touching my face as much as I normally do and to clean my controller before I play. What are some ways to safely clean my xbox controller without damaging it? We all need to focus on making a healthier lifestyle for ourselves! I feel like we can accomplish that by taking easy precautions as simple as this one!
